Schwangerschaftstest natürlich Anzeichen

While some women do not even notice their pregnancy in the first few weeks, others feel the fertilization of an egg during sexual intercourse or shortly afterwards.
In fact, there are signs of pregnancy that indicate pregnancy even before menstruation stops.
Of course, reliable confirmation of pregnancy is only possible through several characteristic signs and the absence of menstruation or through a pregnancy test and a medical ultrasound examination.
However, if an egg is fertilized, the hormone HCG sets the body up for optimal conditions for a trouble-free pregnancy.
The HCG concentration therefore rises sharply in the first few weeks and is the reason for many characteristic pregnancy signals.

8 natural signs of pregnancy

  1. I-am-pregnant feeling Women who can also correctly interpret subtle signals from their body often sense their pregnancy shortly after conception.
    Others have a certain feeling and are often wrong. right – even if you are not so familiar with the processes in your body.
  2. Nausea Some women complain of slight nausea shortly after conception, others vomit several times a day.
    Women who are hypersensitive to smells or tastes in particular often feel nauseous suddenly and without warning.
  3. Urinary urgency Some women complain of an increased urge to urinate during early pregnancy.
    This is because around two weeks after fertilization of the egg, the changing hormone levels mean that women have to go to the toilet more often.
    The annoying thing is that the pressure on the bladder often does not subside even after a visit to the toilet.
  4. Tightness in the breasts The feeling of tightness in the breasts, which heralds menstruation in many women, can also be an indication of successful implantation of the egg in the uterine lining.
    If the nipples and areolas also become darker in color, this also indicates pregnancy.
  5. Implantation bleeding Nidation bleeding can occur around 5-10 days after the fertilized egg has implanted in the uterus.
    This bleeding is similar to menstruation – but it manifests itself in drops or thin streaks of blood and is pink to light red.
  6. Unfamiliar taste Some women react to the consumption of coffee, alcohol or cigarettes as well as to their favorite foods or some intense smells with discomfort and disgust.
    This phenomenon is due to the pregnancy-related hormonal changes and can occur early on in pregnancy.
  7. Increased basal body temperature Women who measure their basal body temperature more frequently can draw conclusions about pregnancy based on the course of an increase in temperature.
    The temperature curve normally points downwards shortly before or during menstruation.
    If it remains constantly high, this can be an early sign of pregnancy.
  8. Headaches, abdominal pain, exhaustion and co. The change in hormone levels can lead to other signs of pregnancy at any time, including headaches, pulling in the abdomen or mild cramps, increased salivation, exhaustion, mood swings, spontaneous emotional outbursts and discharge.

Preparing for pregnancy

If you want to prepare well for your pregnancy, you should take a targeted folate supplement.
amitamin® fertil F phase 1 has been developed precisely for this phase before pregnancy up to the third month.

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