Verreisen während der Schwangerschaft

Doing sport, traveling, working.
Is all this possible without restrictions during pregnancy?
The most important answers for activities during pregnancy.

Can you exercise during pregnancy?

Pregnant women should definitely exercise or consciously move a lot, as exercise strengthens the muscles and the cardiovascular system.
Taking 10,000 steps a day can be a good goal, with apps and fitness watches taking over the counting.
Otherwise, at least 30 minutes of exercise a day on at least 5 days a week is recommended.
This can be achieved quickly by cycling to work, taking a brisk walk during your lunch break and attending a fitness class in the evening.
Also important: do a sport that you enjoy, but adapt the type of sport to your fitness level.
For beginners, simple and familiar exercise routines such as walking, Nordic walking, cycling, swimming/aqua fitness, low-impact aerobics or pregnancy yoga have proven effective.
Ambitious amateur women can usually train more intensively and stick to their sport, provided the risk of injury is not very high.
Towards the end of your pregnancy, however, you should take it easy and not push yourself to your limits.

Can you travel during pregnancy?

Of course pregnant women are allowed to travel – provided they follow certain rules.

The right time

The optimal dates for a vacation trip are
5th and
6th month of pregnancy.
This is when the adjustment problems of the first few months have been overcome and the belly is not yet so big and heavy that traveling becomes difficult.

By airplane

Traveling by plane is generally not a problem until the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, provided there is no risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
Make sure you secure an aisle seat with sufficient legroom so that you can move your legs and get to the toilet easily.
By the way: From the 34th to 36th week of pregnancy, many airlines refuse to transport pregnant women in order to avoid the risk of premature birth on board.

Traveling pregnant by car

Make sure that the belt runs between your breasts and below your stomach so that your upper body, organs and child are well protected in the event of an accident.
Also bear in mind that your freedom of movement decreases with each week of pregnancy and you may not be able to react quickly enough in all traffic situations.
You should therefore only be a passenger from a certain point onwards.

Traveling by train

The train offers plenty of space and freedom of movement.
Train journeys are therefore usually more pleasant for pregnant women than long car journeys or flights.
When traveling by train, however, make sure you allow sufficient time for changing trains.

Traveling abroad during pregnancy

Find out about the medical treatment options at your destination before you travel and prepare yourself for language barriers.
Your family doctor can inform you about the medication you need to take with you and the vaccinations you need.
Also think about the necessary extra insurance cover, which also includes repatriation.
Be careful with food and drink when traveling.
Do not eat undercooked meat and peel fruit before you eat it.
Don’t drink water with ice, preferably bottled mineral water.

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