Young mothers often don’t lose weight quickly enough after the birth of their child.
However, how quickly the kilos disappear again after pregnancy varies greatly.
Most women regain their old weight after six months – others need much longer.
On average, it takes nine months for the scales to show the old weight again after pregnancy.

Tips for losing weight after pregnancy

  • Free yourself from the thought of being back to your old weight just a few days or weeks after the birth of your child.
    During pregnancy, the pregnant woman’s body has changed considerably.
    The way back therefore often takes about as long as the pregnancy lasted.
  • Don’t take your cue from stars and celebrities who appear slim again in the media a few days or weeks after pregnancy.
    These photos are often posed and edited on the computer.
  • Pregnant women need an additional 500 kcal per day to breastfeed their child.
    Breastfeeding is therefore not a suitable time to lose weight.
    Excessive or sudden weight loss can reduce the quantity and nutritional quality of breast milk.
  • Don’t be tempted by absurd diet promises in the relevant media.
    The best way to lose weight successfully after pregnancy is to combine a change in diet with physical exercise; sport alone is hardly effective.
  • Eat as regularly as possible, even if this is difficult because of the baby.
    Avoid ready meals and sweet snacks; fruit and vegetables are suitable for in-between meals.
    This will save you a lot of calories, and if you eat three large and two small meals a day, you will also experience fewer cravings.
  • Ask your health insurance provider or midwife about programs to change your eating and lifestyle habits.
    For example, start with a postnatal course about six weeks after the birth.
    DVDs or workouts from the Internet are also good, which you can do at any time in your living room in front of the TV or PC.
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