Iodine is an essential trace element, of which our body needs around 150 µg to 200 µg daily.
Iodine is important for the nervous system and energy balance.
Iodine also contributes to normal mental functioning.
Iodine is particularly needed for the production of thyroid hormones and healthy thyroid function.
For children, iodine is important for normal growth.

Iodine deficiency is widespread

Iodine deficiency is widespread, both in Germany and the rest of Europe.
Even when using iodized table salt, around two thirds of the population still have an iodine deficiency according to the National Dietary Guidelines Part 2.
At the same time, the German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends a higher iodine intake (260µg or 230µg daily), especially for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Iodine deficiency increases pregnancy risks

In addition to a significantly enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) in the newborn and the mother, iodine deficiency can lead to mental developmental disorders in the child.
Studies show that even mild and therefore often unrecognized forms of so-called hypothyroidism in pregnant women can reduce the intelligence of the children.
Even women with a healthy thyroid should therefore make sure they consume enough iodine before becoming pregnant.

Foods with a lot of iodine

To ensure you get enough iodine, you should make a conscious effort to eat foods containing iodine, mainly

  • the daily consumption of milk and dairy products
  • eating sea fish once or twice a week
  • the use of iodized salt in the household
  • the purchase of food produced with iodized salt
  • the preferred consumption of foods with a high iodine content
  • if necessary, taking an iodine supplement such as amitamin® fertil F.
Iodine contentFood
approx. 135 µg per 100 gHaddock
approx. 88 µg per 100 gSaithe
approx. 50 µg per 100 gTuna
approx. 150 µg per 100 gMussels
approx. 229 µg per 100 gCod
between 20 (organic) and 200 µg/l (normal milk)Milk
approx. 15 µg per 100 gBroccoli
approx. 50 µg per 100 gBananas
approx. 13 µg per 100 gPeanuts
approx. 12 µg per 100 gSpinach
approx. 12 µg per 100 gPumpkin seeds
approx. 150 µg per 100 gMozzarella
approx. 35 µg per 100 gLamb’s lettuce
approx. 10 – 14 µg per 100 gCashew nuts, peanuts
approx. 6 µg per 100 gOat flakes
approx. 6 µg per 100 gWheat bread

Food supplement with iodine for pregnancy and breastfeeding

amitamin® fertil F phase 1 and amitamin® fertil F phase 2 contain an amount of iodine optimized for pregnancy.
This allows the expectant mother and nursing mother to ensure that they consume sufficient iodine every day.
The iodine is embedded in a carefully selected combination of vitamins and minerals.
Ideal for the most important time in a woman’s life! amitamin® fertil F is available in German and Austrian pharmacies and can be ordered free of charge directly from

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